Aisha Bubah, president of the YALI RLC NIGERIA ALUMNI CHAPTER on Monday, 24th December, 2018 attended a strategic meeting aimed at launching a YALI NETWORK Hub in Kano Sate, Nigeria.
The meeting which was a follow up on the one held on Saturday 22nd September, 2018 saw in attendance fellows from the Regional Leadership Center (RLC), Mandela Washington Fellowship and YALI FACE2FACE Network members.
During the meeting, a steering committee was created to guide the launch of the new YALI Network hub in Kano State and monitor members activities.
When talking to our correspondent, President Aisha said she was tasked with the responsibility of creating a working document to guide the activities of the steering committee in ensuring a successful launch and follow up.
She added that, she will also be serving as an independent observer in the steering committee alongside with Ovo Otarigho, former coordinator of YALI Network Abuja and Lamide Johnson, president of the Mandela Washington Fellowship Alumni Association of Nigeria (MWFAAN).
Aisha Bubah said that the RLC executives plan to collaborate more with YALI Network Hubs in various States across Nigeria in order to promote the inclusion of all alumni members in YALI activities at the State levels.
She encourage all alumni members to keep up with the great spirit of volunteerism and commitment towards creating positive change and calls for their active participation towards achieving the alumni body’s year plan for 2019.