End of Administration Report for YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria — Year 2021.

YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria
5 min readJan 1, 2022


2021 Communications Chair for YALI RLC in Nigeria, Wofai Samuel outlining the successes and achievements of their Administration on YALI Africa TV.

Summarized National Activities from January 4th – December 31st 2021, Prepared on this Day- Friday, December 31ST 2021.


This is the Final Report for the 2021 National Executive Committee of the YALI RLC Alumni Chapter in Nigeria.

The Chapter Leads were:


Hammed Rauf — President,

Oge God’sglory Ifezue — Secretary,

Wofai Samuel — Communications Chair,

Obasanjo Fajemirokun — Events Chair,

Temitayo Olatunde — Speaker Bureau,


Mayokun Adeoti — North Central Rep,

Bright Temple — South South Rep,

Chimezie Udechukwu — South West,

Bobo Benson — North West Rep and

Nasiru Magori — North East Rep.

Successes and Achievements.

  1. Initiation and Creation of a Bank Account which outlives the 2021 Administration (First time ever).

Account Number: 2224678380 Account Name: YALI RLC ALUMNI ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA Bank Name: United Bank for Africa, UBA.

2. Creation and implementation of school Tour, across 19+ states in Nigeria

(First time ever). YALI NG School Tour sensitized 3,296 students and 159 teachers from 21 schools in 21 communities across 16 states in Nigeria with 39 committed volunteers.

3. Initiation of Presentation of Certificate of service to all PAST RLC EXCOs in Nigeria. This Certificate is signed by the Headquarters in Accra, Ghana for West Africa to be delivered in 2022. (First ever, significant milestone).

4. Featuring of RLC physical activities on:

The United States Consulate’s Verified Twitter Page,

The United States Consulate’s Verified Instagram Page,

The United States Consulate’s Facebook Page.

5. Compilation of YALI RLC Alumni Database across various fields, for the United States Consulate, to enable participation of members for select US Consulate activities and engagements. 700+ Alumni Members filled in their information during the process.

6. Participation of The RLC in Nigeria in The Clean — Up Campaign, headlined by MWF across Southern States in Nigeria.

7. YALI RLC, featured on the Headlines of major Newspapers across Nigeria.

8. Official Preparation and Submission of Two different proposals for U.S Mission’s NOFO Grants. The foundation for NOFO Grant applications, has been set for subsequent administrations.

9. Election of Three RLC Alumni Members into the USGEAA Executive Committee.

10. Creation and hosting of five (5) Town-hall Meetings to foster interactions between Alumni Members and the Executives.

11. Multiple Invitations of the RLC Alumni Members in Nigeria, by the U.S Consulate, to dialogue with Alumni Members of other U.S Exchange Programs.

12. Visible Feature of RLC Alumni in Nigeria on USGEAA Special Newsletters (U.S Anniversary Celebration Newsletters (Statements and Pictures of Alumni), in addition to full pages as Change-makers. (First ever significant milestone)

13. Celebration of International Womens’ Day with RLC females featuring tops on RLC Nigeria’s collateral. Communication was shared on the Platform’s Twitter page.

14. Presentation of Certificates by YALI RLC Nigeria, to 39 Volunteers, off the School Tour Project.

15. Presentation of Certificates by the YALI RLC in Nigeria, to every Member of the Constitution Review Committee, which was initiated but inconclusive.

16. Live forum and Interactions with individual members on Twitter prior to the Ban in Nigeria. Quotes by Members were designed and featured on The pages of the platform.

17. Virtual Meetings between The RLC in Nigeria’s Conference Committee and The US Embassy ahead of the cancelled conference, this fostered a great extent of dialogue as there were lessons learned which will be replicated.

18. Physical Courtesy Call to IVLP Alumnus, and CEO of Field of Skills and Dream, Mrs Omowale.

19. RLC Alumni in Nigeria featured prominently on USGEAA’S Anniversary, showcasing Alumni Achievements and impacts to dignitaries, inclusive of The US Consulate, The Governor of Lagos State and other Diplomats.

20. Presentation of Presidential Certificates to Alumni Members, 15+ as a way of appreciating their commitment to the chapter, over the year in review.

21. The YALI RLC in Nigeria led the Drug Abuse Project, Prominently in the North Central Region of Nigeria.

22. Grant Training Workshop for Alumni Members, as facilitated by The MWF/YALI.

23. Feature on YALI RLC WEST AFRICA TV, first ever official appearance discussing the gains and successes of the chapter.

Special appreciation is accorded to The YALI Coordinator at the United States Consulate, Lagos, Nigeria, Mr. Austin Emeanua whose energy and unrelenting support we drew from. He amplified our efforts in unimaginable ways, and supported us in the strangest of circumstances. We were motivated to achieve the goals we had set out in the beginning of our 365 days journey because you exalted our strongest points and ignored our weaknesses.

We are immensely grateful to The YALI Coordinator at the United States Embassy in Abuja, Nigeria, Mr. Diran Adegoke. He worked very closely with us through the entire Administration, dedicating hours to listen and provide physical assistance when the need arose.

We are very thankful to the Corporate Affairs Manager at the YALI RLC Headquarters in Accra, Ghana, Mr. James Anquandah, who made our affairs his top priority over the last one year.

We are grateful to Patricia Addai Hasford, Mr. Olusola Owonikoko, Adepeju Jaiyeoba, Dr. Jude Ememe, Tinuola Aina and several others too numerous to mention.

Many thanks to Alumni Members who volunteered to serve in different committees over the last one year, The National Executive Council of National Officers and Regional Reps were honored to have worked with you.

Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!! — THE RLC ALUMNI MEMBERS IN NIGERIA, there is no service without you, you put us on this pedestal, you all were phenomenal! The entire team appreciates every single member of the RLC, for trusting them with the task of service, we look forward to fostering on the gains of our administration and working closely with you, our special one as we get about our individual activities.

Farewell from the 2021 Team.

Long Live Nigeria!!

God Bless the United States of America!!!

Yours in Service,

Wofai Samuel,

Communications Chair — YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria, 2021

Twitter & Instagram: @Wofais

Handover Ceremony of YALI RLCAlumni Nigeria with Wofai Samuel summarizing report for the 2021 year.



YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria
YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria

Written by YALI RLC Alumni Nigeria

Official Page of the YALI Regional Leadership Center West Africa (@YALIRLCWA) Alumni Chapter of the Nigeria.

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